Therapeutic Acupuncture

Healthy body

Therapeutic Acupuncture

Therapeutic Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It’s a safe, painless, and effective way to treat a range of medical conditions, such as musculoskeletal pain and stress, and to enhance general health and wellness. 

Initial Session: 1.5 hr  ($165)

Follow Up: 1 hr ($125)

Online scheduling

What styles of therapeutic acupuncture do you offer?

Seeking Balance offers a blend of techniques to target specific medical conditions, as well as to promote health and wellness, including traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture Physical Medicine (APM).

What is Acupuncture Physical Medicine?

This innovative style of acupuncture was pioneered and developed by Mark Seem, Ph.D., L.Ac. Acupuncture Physical Medicine is rooted in the classical French meridian system of acupuncture in combination with modern western physical medicine techniques, most notably trigger-point acupuncture.

What is an APM session like?

APM uses an extensive physical exam to find areas of myofascial constriction and imbalances related to physical and mental stress. The acupuncturist then treats these areas with needles, pressure, and friction to release the myofascial constriction, to reduce pain, and improve physical and mental function.